What is Drunken B.S.? It's a bunch of useless information to debate when drinking, ya dig?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

NFL WrapUp Tuesday

What a week it was for football. I advance to the 2nd round of my fantasy league in a crazy scoring way! I went 12-4 in picks (season: 146-62), The only thing missing was the Boy's winning.

On the topic of the boys, i'm calling it right now: THE COWBOYS WILL BEAT THE SAINTS THIS SATURDAY!!!!! Yes I have big enough balls and confidence that the Boys will do it. F the December talk, just watch!!!

No too many upset's to talk besides the Brown Stains, and 49ers winning. Oh it was a record breaking week, and some pretty entertaining games so here we with this weeks verison of:

NFL WrapUp Tuesday

San Diego 20, Dallas 17

Ah, another game we LOST, don't get it twisted, WE LOST this game. Nick Folk, Marion Barbie, where do you start? D Ware getting hurt. DAMN!!! December isn't nice to us! Overall B+, I have nothing else to say, next game....

New Orleans 26, Atlanta 23

Man this is two weeks in row the Saints almost lost. Two weeks of losing to teams they should've ass raped! Reggie "I hurtk my knee every year" Bush had a great game (I know, I started him on fantasy). It was a good game to the end again, I just hope the Saints don't go 16-0! Please, Please, Please.... Overall A, all I want for Christmas is 3 Saints loss'es!!!

Indianapolis 28, Denver 16

Peyton I swear, he makes throwing 4 td with 3 int look good! Now I hope THIS TEAM goes 16-0. Then lose in the Super Bowl. lol It was a good game to watch, Brandon Marshall was killing it! Broke the record for most receptions in a game. There for a while it looked like the Broncos were gonna make a come back, untill Peyton turned it on and reminded them who they were playing. Overall A, I don't want the Colts to go 16-0, if I had to choose between them and the Saints, I roll with The Peytons.

For The Main Events:

Tampa Bay 3, New York Jets 26

This team is nothing but garbage. I'm soo sick I took this team as my upset last week. They suck sooo hard and I hope they lose the rest of the games this year!
Wow I know that was really mean, but you have to agree that they suck ass! I remember one play, they got a pick, and like 20 seconds later they were punting the ball. Nuff said!


Philadelphia 45, New York Giants 38

2 reason's why I picked this game:
1. It was full of TD's, the only game with Offense firepower working at full speed.
2. I hate both teams equally, but with the Giants behind us, makes me happy.

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