What is Drunken B.S.? It's a bunch of useless information to debate when drinking, ya dig?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Who should I vote for???

Well let me start this off with this, at first I was a big Obama supporter and I was really feeling what he was about and for. But, it seems here as a late hes making a turn to a socialist country (if you don't know, similar to communism) And i'm really not liking the idea of my taxes going towards helping folks out who don't pay taxes, and to those who are lazy and sit at home and collect government checks instead of looking for work. Now before I move on i'm not saying everyone's in this boat, I understand some people aren't able to work, but those that are and don't, that's the group i'm talking about. All this money he's using to cut taxes is got to come from somewhere, and I don't agree 100% that taxing the "rich" to help the poor is good. Let me put it this way, what if you work your whole life to finally make it in "this rich bracket" and now you got to pay for it. It doesn't make sense huh? The other issue I really am not for is there being a 100% democrat presence in the government (house, senate, and president). I guess i'm what i'm saying is I feel from what I understand from history and what Obama is saying is going to hurt "middle class" (which i'm in).

And don't get me wrong Mccain isn't really any better in my view. I'm not on the bandwagon of "Oh Palin sucks" or "Palin would make a horrible V.P.". All I gotta say is that Biden isn't any better. The V.P.'s suck in this election and their both idiots. So i'm stuck like chuck at the moment....

One last thing.....

The thing that annoy's me is these bandwagon voters. For example "I'm voting for Obama cause my friends are..." or "Oh B.E.T. is supporting Obama so I'm to" or "My family supports Mccain, so I do too" or "The new's and my friends say Mccain is like bush so i'm not voting for him!" All I gotta say is, voting is a privilege you shouldn't waste on something stupid like that. Read up on your candidate, learn who your voting for before you move on. Don't make your decision's on what your friend's, t.v., family or whatever tell ya. That's all for now peace son....

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