What is Drunken B.S.? It's a bunch of useless information to debate when drinking, ya dig?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Man it seem's forever since the Super Bowl. Well I'm a big Cowboy's fan has you've seen the past season on my picks. This is the year ladies and gentlemen we get it done!!! lol
But as I usually do it each week I'll give my prediction on what I think each team will do in every game. Last year I had a stellar record going to the Super Bowl. Look back my last year post, compare my record with other NFL sports genius on the web, mines was crazy good!!!!
Well enough of all that, business at hand, the new season is kicking off tommrow night with Tennessee going up against Pittsuburgh. I've been waiting for some real football and here we are.
This game is being played in Pittsburgh, and all the dick sucking that follows the Steelers winning last years Super Bowl will contiune in this one. But I don't believe the hype on Pitt. in this opener. Don't get me wrong, they'll (pitt) have a good season, in this season opener, the Titan's will play the role of upset city! So the way i'm starting the 2009 season picks is with an upset....
Titans over Steelers

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